Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I posted 15 add/subtract fractions with unlike denominator problems all around the room. The students were given this worksheet to fill out. Students were instructed to go to a problems, work it and then come back to me for a conference. I signed it and gave a check (correct) or an x (incorrect). At the end of class students added their checks for bonus points.

This was a great opportunity for me to see where the struggles still were. For the most part the struggle is still remembering to simplify.

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Students are working on preparing an informational piece to tell how to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. SHHHHHH don't tell them but it doesn't matter what they choose to make to demonstrate, they are learning!!!!! (Maniacal Laugh)


We used our new tablets with the QR code reader again to make the assessment a bit more enjoyable. Students began with the assessment code. They scanned their code to get the task they needed to complete. In this particular task they were asked to find the group of fractions that were all equivalent to the given mixed number.

I love QR codes, it is cool that you can program them to take you to websites or give messages. After students got busy on the task they then scanned the answers they wanted from the board.

Each code was programmed with a different message based on what I think they may have done to get their answer. If they were correct the code directed them to the next step, which was to write a quick set of notes in their math notebook and practice a few problems.

Behind each card was the answer. After completion students were directed to answer questions on Moby Max Student Response System.

The final step was a worksheet that we checked before class ended.

Very productive day in the 6th grade.

Friday, January 20, 2017



Most likely a review for most students, but here is a quick video I made to remind students where the numbers go when they have to divide to turn improper fractions in to a mixed number.


Students worked more on simplifying and creating equivalent fractions. They were given a fraction bar and a deck of cards to create their fractions. They were also allowed to work with a partner. The students each flipped a card to create their fraction. They were to write it in the fraction box and then tell "yes" or "no" if the fraction could be simplified, if "yes" then they were to give the fraction in simplest form. Next they had to create 3 equivalent fractions.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


It is like PowerPoint, but on steroids. I love NEARPOD! My students are loving the new tablets and we are loving that we can use them everyday. Yesterday we worked on reacquainting ourselves with fractions. We talked about what a fraction is, demonstrated a fraction, shared what a whole is and how to demonstrate it, the students also made sure they could complete a whole, and finally they worked on simplifying fractions.

Another thing we discussed is that simplified, lowest terms, reduced, and simplest form all mean the same thing (might have had a mini lesson on synonyms). Students completed a worksheet to make sure they could identify if a fraction had been simplified or not. If it had they were directed to color it yellow. If it had not been simplified it was to be colored blue.



I was pleasantly surprised that my students were not overly familiar with these. It was great when they got their messages after scanning. This was a fun activity and did not require a lot of planning time.

Each student was given a worksheet with nothing but a QR code, they scanned it, and were given a message along with a problem to work out. On the board in the front of the class were 3 answer choices, 1 correct and 2 almost correct options. Each had a different message when they scanned them. I used this as a quick formative assessment. If they selected the correct answer, they got praise and directions for their next step. If they were incorrect they were given a small hint and sent back to their seat to work where I could step in and assist.

Afterwards, students worked on a set of questions from Moby Max. I like using the Student Response System. I used a set of questions made by Moby (you can make your own too!)


Making math fun is my plan. My family and I put numbers inside 140 balloons (about 35 per class). Each round I chose 2 students at random to pop a balloon. With those 2 numbers we found the GCF & LCM using the L method or the traditional way if they chose it.

This first picture is me with my 3rd block class. I won the Purple Cobra Award!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The "L" Method is definitely not your momma's way of finding the LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE or the GREATEST COMMON FACTOR.

This method is great for those students who might still be struggling with multiplication facts or those who are prone to careless mistakes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Today is our 2nd day to be working with the divisibility rules. In class we had a quick discussion to make sure all students have a clear understanding of the rules and what is expected of them. Afterwards, each student was given a copy of the rules for their notebook to be placed on page 63 (page 65 7th block).

A number is divisible by ……..
2 – if the last digit of the number is even.
3 – if the sum of the digits makes a multiple of 3.
4 – if the last 2 digits makes a multiple of 4.
5 – if the last digit is a 5 or 0.
6 – if the number is divisible by both 2 and 3.
9 – if the sum of the digits make a multiple of 9.

10 – if the last digit is a 0.

Students were then given a note card with a number on it. Around the room I placed posters with categories I chose; 
  1. Divisible by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9. & 10
  2. Divisible by 2, 5, & 10
  3. Divisible by 2 & 4
  4. Divisible by 2, 3, 4, & 6
  5. Divisible by 2, 3, & 6
  6. Divisible by 3 only
  7. Divisible by 5 only
Students were then instructed to find their correct location in the room. I used this activity as a quick formative assessment to see how well they are understanding the rules.

There will be an assessment on Friday. 

The activity we did can be found at :Teachers Pay Teachers

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Divisibility Practice (review the rules first if you need to)

Divisibility Rules Game – Timed! (Practice so you can be an expert and get 25 points in 60 seconds) 

Vector Kids - Divisibility Rules Practice


You have to know the divisibility rules, they can be very helpful when trying to figure out factors especially when you are dealing with numbers that are out of your comfort zone like 482.

Divisibility Rules

A number is divisible by ......
  • 2 if the last digit of the number is an even number.
  • 3 if the sum of all the digits in the number can be divided evenly by 3.
  • 4 if the last 2 digits of the number can be evenly divided by 4.
  • 5 if the last digit of the number is a 5 or 0.
  • 6 if the the number is divisible by 2 and 3.
  • 9 if the sum of the digits is divisible by 9.
  • 10 if the last digit of the number is a 0.
CHECK OUT THE DIVISIBILITY RAP. Some of my former students created this to the theme song of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air." The lyrics are below.

Now this is the story (pause) all about how
divisibility rules gets used in the schools
and we’d like to take a minute just sit right down
We’ll tell you how to divide like the best in town

In Ballard County born and raised
In the classroom where we spend most of our days
Sittin back, list’nin, learnin all cool
Mrs. White teachin divisibility inside the school
She gave a couple problems, they were no good
we started having trouble in her neighborhood
She say 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10
Gotta follow the rules if you wanna win

So we listened to the rules and now we believing
You can divide by 2 is the last digits even

Divide by 3? It different you see
The sum of the digits has to divide by 3

The rule for 4 is about the last 2 digits
And if you can divide them by 4 do ya get it?

Dividin by 5 is easy you know
If the number end with 5 or 0

To divdide by 6 you gotta say yes
To 3 and 4 with success

Dividin by 9 is like 3 but this time
You add the digits and divide by 9

And then theres 10 its so easy
When the number ends in 0 it’s a breezy

She gave us some problems bout 12 or 13
And we yelled to the teacher “yo white this aint nothing”
Looked at the homework, we were done quick
Knowin the divisibility rules does the trick