Friday, August 31, 2018
Students were randomly chosen to spin the wheel. They then wrote the number on the board that they landed on. (All students wrote the numbers on page 5 of their notebook. I then called out a place value for them to round to. Students gave each other a thumbs up if they agreed with their peer.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Again we were reviewing this to fix some misconceptions that were seen on their place value test. In class we all created a foldable for our notebooks. (Mine is huge, I had to model for everyone)
As a class we discussed the families, aka Millions, Thousands, and Ones. I also reminded them that the hint to use the family names is the comma that is present in the number. (They were reminded how to place the commas in case a number doesn't have them in place)
As a class we discussed the families, aka Millions, Thousands, and Ones. I also reminded them that the hint to use the family names is the comma that is present in the number. (They were reminded how to place the commas in case a number doesn't have them in place)
We ended class with a practice sheet that we will talk about tomorrow in class.
Students took a test over place value. Our lesson for the next few days will revolve around the misconceptions from the test.
Many students showed that they didn’t understand the difference in the place of a digit and the value of a digit.
So to help this we talked about the phrase PLACE VALUE being an umbrella type statement that involves 2 things; the place of a digit and then it’s value.
After practicing in class, students were given the learning check below to be completed in their notebook.
Many students showed that they didn’t understand the difference in the place of a digit and the value of a digit.
So to help this we talked about the phrase PLACE VALUE being an umbrella type statement that involves 2 things; the place of a digit and then it’s value.
After practicing in class, students were given the learning check below to be completed in their notebook.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
This is the first of our weekly homework assignments. Students were given this paper on Friday and will always receive it on Friday's unless they are absent. I will always post a copy to Remind and on here to ensure it is available in case it is not getting brought home and worked on throughout the week. The due date is posted in the title.
If assignment is turned in without work it will be considered incomplete and returned to the student to finish. Student will also sign the board for "Effort". The assignment is expected on Monday in order to not lose points. If the assignment continues to be missing points will be taken off the total possible.
*Please be aware students with 3 or more missing assignments will be given a write up*
Saturday, August 25, 2018
To get us in the math mood and to have a little creative chaos, we all decorated our math notebooks. So far our notebooks are equipped with our Plickers square, a dry erase board, and a book mark.